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Essential Facts About Treating Acid Reflux

By Kathryn Neal

When the contents of one's stomach head in the wrong direction it is called acid reflux. These acids usually move toward the esophagus, but in certain instances they may migrate all the way back to the individual's throat. The disorder is uncomfortable, and in some cases hazardous to the person's health. Medication, dietary changes, or other measures are used in treating acid reflux, depending on the severity of the disorder and its cause. To completely cure the condition, stomach contents must cease to travel backwards.

If those suffering from this condition do not pursue any type of treatment and the condition is left unchecked, it can lead to serious problems. For example, lung disease can occur if regurgitated fluids enter the lungs. In addition, cancer of the esophagus is a possibility if acidic substances are continuously pushed back toward the esophagus.

This disorder is often the result of obesity, but those who are not overweight may also develop the condition. With obese persons, the pressure from excessive belly fat encourages the contents of their stomach to move in the wrong direction. This is why those suffering from the disorder should not wear tight apparel, lace up bodices or corsets. It is also essential for such individuals to follow a sensible diet and participate in physical activity if they want to cure their condition.

In many cases, once a person loses weight, his or her symptoms will disappear. Depending on how obese an individual is, and how long it takes him or her to shed the excess pounds, measures may need to be taken in the meantime to quell his or her symptoms. These may include the aforementioned dietary changes or the use of certain medications.

There is a vast array of things a person can do to calm the symptoms of the disorder. For example, consuming one's food slowly, and chewing it thoroughly is a good idea. In addition, staying in an upright position following the consumption of a meal is also a good tip. One should also refrain from consuming food within 2 hours of going to sleep, as this will help the esophagus and stomach to function appropriately.

Certain drugs may be helpful in calming the symptoms of the disorder, and there are many from which to choose. However, most fall into the category of acid reducers. Their main purpose is to turn off the proton pump, located in the stomach, which will subsequently stop the production of additional acid.

Spicy fare, such as tomatoes, peppers, alcohol and red wine should be avoided, as this will help the person to keep his or her symptoms under control. If an individual cannot seem to avoid such foods, he or she should take an antacid 30 minutes before such meals are consumed. However, those with severe acid reflux should avoid such fare at all costs.

Those who follow the aforementioned tips and do not find relief from their symptoms should seek the advice of a physician who can recommend various treatments. As previously mentioned, unchecked acid reflux can lead to serious complications and health problems. Therefore, it is never wise to ignore such a condition or allow it to get out of control.

In some instances, such disorders dissipate on their own. However, it is never a good idea to gamble that this will be the case. Treating acid reflux when it is first experienced is always one's best course of action.

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